Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Associated Press

the associated press was responsible for Hitlers rise to power. Freedom Press (irony indeed) fed the German people with lies much like they did the American people today in order to get a socialist president elected.


  1. In order to accomplish their aims and purposes, the Nazi conspirators prepared to seize totalitarian control over Germany to assure that no effective resistance against them could arise within Germany itself. After the failure of the Munich Putsch of 1923 aimed at the overthrow of the Weimar Republic by direct action, the Nazi conspirators set out through the Nazi Party to undermine and overthrow the German Government by "legal" forms supported by terrorism. They created and utilized, as a Party formation, Die Sturmabteilungen (SA), a semi-military, voluntary organization of young men trained for; whose mission was to make the Party the master of the streets....

  2. (1) The Nazi conspirators destroyed the free trade unions in Germany by confiscating their funds and properties, persecuting their leaders, prohibiting their activities, and supplanting them by an affiliated Party organization. The Leadership Principle was introduced into industrial relations, the entrepreneur becoming the leader and the workers becoming his followers. Thus any potential resistance of the workers was frustrated and the productive labor capacity of the German Nation was brought under the effective control of the conspirators.

  3. (2) The Nazi conspirators, by promoting beliefs and practices incompatible with Christian teaching, sought to subvert the influence of the churches over the people and in particular over the youth of Germany. They avowed their aim to eliminate the Christian churches in Germany and sought to substitute therefor Nazi institutions and Nazi beliefs, and pursued a program of persecution of priests, clergy, and members of monastic orders whom they deemed opposed to their purposes, and confiscated church property.

  4. (e) In order to make the German people amenable to their will, and to prepare them psychologically for war, the Nazi conspirators reshaped the educational system and particularly the education and training of the German youth. The Leadership Principle was introduced into the schools and the Party and affiliated organizations were given wide supervisory powers over education. The Nazi conspirators imposed a supervision of all cultural activities, controlled the dissemination of information and the expression of opinion within Germany as well as the movement of intelligence of all kinds from and into Germany, and created vast propaganda machines.

  5. Check out this link that displays the Nuremberg trials of Hitlers Henchmen. Actual transcripts of trials.These documents were declassified as top secret in 1969.
    Its history recorded. Notice how the Hitler youth, once brainwashed, began to demonstrate against those who opposed them. (ie. Following a Catholic church service Hitler Youth accompanied by SA gathered outside shouting "Down with Cardinal Innitzer. Our faith is in our country. Our faith is Germany!!!") (ie. When Cardinal Innitzer tried to leave to go home HItler Youth mobbed him and shouted outrages against him........)

    The Hitler Youth were a determining factor in keeping their neighbors quite.

    Check out Part III (3) especially:


  6. The transition from democracy to socialism takes place over time. CHANGE. I've always wondered how so many people could be duped. simple: brainwashing. Hitler used movie houses, plays and everything else that was available to him to brainwash the people. Today "they" use movie theatres and plays also, but "they" also have the tv set. piped directly into the home that becomes a "womb" for their socialist ideals and principles.

  7. On June 17, 1933, Hitler promoted Schirach to Jugendführer des Deutschen Reiches (Youth Leader of Germany) answerable only to Hitler.

    Girls 10 to 14 joined the Jungmädel and from 14 to 18 belonged to the BDM, the commonly used abbreviation for Bund Deutcher Mädel (League of German Girls). The girls wore a schoolgirl-style uniform with skirts and blouses along with army-style hiking boots.

    By the end of 1933, the Hitler Youth organization had absorbed twenty German youth leagues and totalled over
    3.5 million members.

    A new law was issued on December 1, 1936, conscripting any remaining youth holdouts into the organization amid warnings to parents that their children would be taken from them and placed in orphanages unless they enrolled. Parents who prevented their children from joining the Hitler Youth were subject to heavy prison sentences.

    Hitler decreed "The Law concerning the Hitler Youth" which mandated that all young Germans (excluding Jews) would "be educated physically, intellectually and morally in the spirit of National Socialism" though the Hitler Youth from the age of ten onward.

    Junior Gestapo Agents

    An ominous new development within the HJ was the appearance of HJ-Streifendienst (Patrol Force) units functioning as internal political police, maintaining order at meetings, ferreting out disloyal members, and denouncing anyone who criticized Hitler or Nazism including, in a few cases, their own parents.

    One case involved a teenaged HJ member named Walter Hess who turned in his father for calling Hitler a crazed Nazi maniac. His father was then hauled off to Dachau under Schutzhaft (protective custody). For setting such an example, Hess was promoted to a higher rank within the HJ.

    HJ-Streifendienst members also secretly infiltrated remnants of the old German Youth Movement and provided tips to the Gestapo which led to the arrest of several leaders of these now-clandestine youth groups.

    OFFICIALLY starting in 1929 the Hitler Youth had a membership of less than 1000....
    By the end of World War II, it exceeded over 8 million.

  8. Albert Einstein was exiled from Germany because he was a Jew;

    Being a lover of freedom, when the Nazi revolution came I looked to the universities to defend it, knowing that they had always boasted of their devotion to the cause of truth; but no, the universities were immediately silenced. Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers, whose flaming editorials in days gone by had proclaimed their love of freedom; but they, like the universities were silenced n only a few short weeks....

    Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign for destroying truth. The church alone had the courage and persistence to stand for moral freedom. I am forced to confess what I once despised I now praise... Albert Einstein

    Arthur C. Cochrane, The Church's Confession Under Hitler (philadelphia: Westminster, 1962)

  9. A thirty-point program drawn up by Hitler's good friend Alfred Rosenberg, who blasphemed Christ and insisted that the church replace Christianity with the paganism of the Nazi movement.

    Here are .....some..... of the chilling articles of the program:

    1. The National Reich Church of Germany categorically claims the exclusive right and the exclusive power to control all churches within the borders of the Reich; it declares these to be national churches of the German Reich.

    13. The National German Church demands immediate cessation of the publishing and dissemination of the Bible in Germany.

    14. The National German Church declares that to it, and therefore to the German nation, it has been decided that the Fuhrer's Mem Kampfis the greatest of all documents. It not only contains the greatest but it embodies the purest and truest ethics for the present and future life of our nation.

    18. The National German Church will clear away from its altars all crucifixes, Bibles, and pictures of saints.

    19. On the altars there must be nothing but Mem Kampf [to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book] and to the left of the altar a sword.

    30. On the day of its foundation, the Christian Cross must be removed from all churches, cathedrals and chapels . . . and it must be superseded by the only unconquerable symbol, the swastika,

  10. The cross demanded the blood of Christ and our pardon from sin and forgiveness with God, the swastika demanded the murder and torture of the Jewish people and 55 million more.

  11. When people can't respond without using abrasive language and respond how "stupid" you are if you don't believe in evolution, it only reflects "their immaturity".
    They are reminiscent of the so-called "brown-shirts" of nazi Germany, whose "might" made right. Whose only option was to shout down their opponents. I ignore as many of these as possible. They are not truly discussing

  12. The scientific Consensus of the day in pre-war Germany was evolution was a fact of life. Darwins teachings was prevalent in all articles. Hitlers scientist provided him with the necessary "facts of evolution" to jumpstart the Superman race that was to control the world...... in Darwin's Book 'Descent of Man', published in 1871, Darwin is quoted as saying..... Civilized man should not allow inferior populations to breed like dogs".

  13. Effects of Evolution: Evolution teaches a student that his ancestors came from stirring slime in a godless universe; that morality can be defined by each individual as he sees fit. (that everything is relative and nothing is absolute; hence each person can decide what is right and what is wrong in their own eyes); that there is no eternal reward or punishment for our actions, (no heaven or hell); that we'll never see our departed loved ones again; that we're just intelligent animals adrift on a speck-sized planet, drifting meaninglessly through a black void of cosmic dust. All these lies are implicit within the teaching of evolution.

  14. Evolution causes anti-God actions. It destroys in many minds the Genesis foundation.

    Evolution destroys the gospel of Jesus Christ. Combining evolution with christianity has only helped Satan undermine the church.

    Evolution-contaminated theology can destroy the teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians shold believe Genesis is literally true because Jesus did.

    EVOLUTION:... It accepts pagan philosophers in preference to God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible....

    EVOLUTION:......It makes void the idea of Bible creations by God. "THE FORCE" is substituted for creative power of the personal and living God.

    EVOLUTION:.... It degrades man from creation, by God, in the image of God, to a monkey ancestry.

    EVOLUTION:.....It degrades God's image to a beast.....

    EVOLUTION: It makes Christ a liar & unnecessary........ It does away with the fall of man & sin.

    EVOLUTION: It makes void the authority of the Bible, God's word, right & wrong, and calls God a liar for saying he created the Earth

    EVOLUTION:....It does away with the virgin birth (it being supernatural), making it unnecessary and contrary to the processes of evolution........

    EVOLUTION:.......It denies the bodily resurrection of Christ (it being supernatural), and declares that it is contrary to the processes of evolution

    EVOLUTION:.....It denies the ATONEMENT, (if man has not fallen, then Jesus came and died needlessly)

    EVOLUTION:.... It denies the Second Coming of Christ and the restoration of all things.

  15. In 1963 the United States Supreme Court decided (against the constitution) that they would prohibit the free exercise of our belief in God within the school system. (removal of prayer). They replaced the Golden Rule with the Law of the Jungle (Evolution). So look at the school system now! What fruit from the teaching of evolution is beginning to ripen? The answer is very apparent!...

  16. Contrary to popular belief, the latest Supreme Court decision; Edwards vs. Aquillard, allows teachers to teach creation as a balance. Quote..."teaching a variety of scientific theories about the origins of humankind to school children might be validly done with the clear secular intent of enhancing the effectiveness of science instruction". However, it has been the decision of most teachers, principles, and school boards to avoid controversy over this issue, for the sake of peace. "....by peace he (anti-Christ) shall destroy many". Daniel 8 ; 25......... Because of political pressure, some of the courts are no longer "agreeable" with the creation account. Because of this, it has been collectively agreed upon to reach children with the truth through a "grass roots" awakening; a sharing of facts on a one on one basis. You are responsible for your childs' soul. Teach him / her well.......

  17. Evolution says the World is progressing upwards, but the truth is the Earth is moving towards a climatic judgement. This life will determine the eternal destiny of your soul (in heaven or in hell). Will you gamble your soul on this false theory of evolution?

  18. Do you feel as though somehow, someway, everything will be OK? Please don't be so careless. Judgement day is coming! You will be there! Do you want to be there with the evolutionist and his world book encyclopedias? Or, do you want to stand at judgement day with Jesus and the bible? Choose well. Let Jesus open your eyes to the truth. It is a wise thing to consider the words of one who rose from the dead. The evidence for Creation is staggering, although the facts have been suppressed by those who do not believe. EVIDENCE: SEEK, ye shall find; KNOCK, it will be opened to you; ASK, it shall be given to you. Why go to all that trouble?...... Eternity is Forever. Where will you spend it?

  19. ....because they refused to believe the truth.......God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. (2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 10 &11) Hundreds of millions of tax dollars and thousands of hours of brainpower are being wasted to keep the evolutionary boat afloat. Why?.... The evolutionist would loose all their much sought after publicity, all their fame, their recognition, their respect, their federal funding and of course their jobs. There is much incentive to BELIEVE anything.....

